Lars Wirzenius: Unit and integration testing: an analogy with cars

Planet Debian

A unit is a part of your program you can test in isolation. You write unit tests to test all aspects of it that you care about. If all your unit tests pass, you should know that your unit works well. Integration tests are for testing that when your…

13 November 2017

AWS: Scaling Up to 10M Users

Hacker News

Cloud computing gives you a number of advantages, such as the ability to scale your web application or website on demand. If you have a new web application and want to use cloud computing, you might be asking yourself, "Where do I start?" Join us in this…

13 November 2017

Arduino Death Clock

Hacker News

Countdown the years/days/seconds remaining in your life. A death clock. Based on a average life expectancy, you can use this clock to countdown the time until your expected last day of life. I use it as a regular reminder that my life has a limit; a best…

13 November 2017

My favorite tech salary negotiation tip (that recruiters love, too)

Hacker News

How many of you negotiated your first job offer? I have to admit I didn’t. Even though when I was graduating from college, I had three offers. I decided to accept the one that was most interesting to me, yet paid the least. I didn’t know I could use those…

12 November 2017

Software architecture is failing

Hacker News

I doubt there has ever been a time when software architecture was seen as a raging success. The “three-tier architecture” of the web has held up extremely well and is an excellent place for many people to start. The “12 Factor App” approach has encouraged…

11 November 2017

Popular Machine Learning algorithms

Hacker News

Any machine learning algorithm is a hypothesis set which is taken before considering the training data and which is used for finding the optimal model. Machine learning algorithms have 3 broad categories - * Supervised learning — the input features and…

11 November 2017

Software 2.0

Hacker News

I sometimes see people refer to neural networks as just “another tool in your machine learning toolbox”. They have some pros and cons, they work here or there, and sometimes you can use them to win Kaggle competitions. Unfortunately, this interpretation…

11 November 2017

10 years of love for Emacs undone by a week of VSCode

Hacker News

Swizec Teller I build things and write about it to help coders become engineers. Over the years I've helped over 10,000 engineers hone their craft. Engineers have used my books, articles, and talks to improve their technical skills, get promotions,…

11 November 2017