Bridging the development gap between desktop and web

Planet GNOME

One of the reasons JavaScript was chosen as the language for GNOME Shell is as Owen mentions: “… a lot of people are familiar with it from the web.”. It’s not a new idea but certainly an exciting one. Who wouldn’t want to be able to run their desktop…

31 March 2010

Francois Marier: "Abusing" git storage

Planet Debian

A git repository is primarily intended to store multiple branches of a single program or component. The underlying system however is much more flexible. Here are two ways to add files which are related to the project but outside the normal history. This…

31 March 2010

<div>The Sad Story of PNG Gamma “Correction”</div>

Planet Mozilla

Browsers have supported the PNG bitmap format for quite some time. But still, even though PNG files can either be made smaller than GIFs or, alternatively, can contain more colors, lots of Web designers keep using JPEGs and GIFs. In fact, even designers…

31 March 2010

nice fast grep

Planet GNU

Parth announced bzr-grep 0.2.0. Amongst other things there are performance enhancements such that Eli says: Parth announced bzr-grep 0.2.0. Amongst other things there are performance enhancements such that Eli says: Thanks, this looks great. I just…

31 March 2010

Launchpad in Google Summer Of Code

Planet GNOME

This is the first time you'll be able to work on Launchpad as part of Google SoC: last year, it has been released under AGPL, thus making it a free software project. It is done as part of Ubuntu SoC, though, so your project has to benefit Ubuntu. I invite…

31 March 2010