EXPLAIN EXTENDED can tell you all kinds of interesting things

MySQL Performance Blog

While many people are familiar with the MySQL EXPLAIN command, fewer people are familiar with “extended explain” which was added in MySQL 4.1 EXPLAIN EXTENDED can show you what the MySQL optimizer does to your query. You might not know this, but MySQL…

15 June 2010

Designing for a More Readable Web

Wired Top Stories

Want to keep people from firing up Safari Reader on your website? Learn some design best practices from the pros for formatting your pages for maximum readability on tablets, phones and on the good ol' desktop.

11 June 2010

Animation with CSS Transitions Made Easy

Planet Mozilla

There are currently two proposed additions to CSS to make animating easier and with better performance: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations. Both are unfortunately named. The later is complicated, overkill, and probably won’t be supported by non-Webkit…

11 June 2010

Auto updates of the nightly builds of browsers


It's quite a hassle having to download and install a new version of three or four browsers every day -- one-click auto-update and launch to the rescue! Lately the different browsers have been adding support for the new features of HTML5/CSS3/etc at a very…

11 June 2010

Safari 5 tested: Chrome, Opera still have JavaScript edge

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

Apple released the latest major version of its Web browser, Safari 5, earlier this week. Along with several new features—one of them somewhat controversial—the update was said to pack a number of performance improvements, including DNS pre-fetching and…

10 June 2010

Reasons for run-away main Innodb Tablespace

MySQL Performance Blog

So you’re running MySQL With innodb_file_per_table option but your ibdata1 file which holds main (or system) tablespace have grown dramatically from its starting 10MB size. What could be the reason of this growth and what you can do about it ? There are…

10 June 2010

New LLVM Debugger Subproject Already Faster Than GDB


kthreadd writes "The LLVM project is now working on a debugger called LLDB that's already faster than GDB and could be a possible alternative in the future for C, C++, and Objective-C developers. With the ongoing success of Clang and other LLVM…

10 June 2010

Our new search index: Caffeine

The Official Google Blog

Hey—we've moved. Visit The Keyword for all the latest news and stories from Google Insights from Googlers into our products, technology, and the Google culture Today, we're announcing the completion of a new web indexing system called Caffeine.…

9 June 2010