Inside Facebook's Infrastructure


miller60 writes "Facebook served up 690 billion page views to its 540 million users in August, according to data from Google's DoubleClick. How does it manage that massive amount of traffic? Data Center Knowledge has put together a guide to the…

30 September 2010

JavaScript Cookbook


r3lody writes "I have enjoyed other cookbooks in the O'Reilly library of computer texts, so when I saw JavaScript Cookbook by Shelley Powers in the catalog, I jumped at it. The description mentioned that the book would cover HTML5 and ECMAScript 5, so I…

29 September 2010

HyperDock puts some Win7 in your OS X Dock

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

My shocking day job revelation: I write enterprise Java software using Windows. There, my secret shame is finally out. Now that that's off my chest, I have something to confess about Windows 7: Microsoft must be doing something right because I hate it…

26 September 2010

More on dangers of the caches

MySQL Performance Blog

I wrote couple of weeks ago on dangers of bad cache design. Today I’ve been troubleshooting the production down case which had fair amount of issues related to how cache was used. The deal was as following. The update to the codebase was performed and it…

24 September 2010

Instrumentation and the cost of Foreign Keys

MySQL Performance Blog

I occasionally get in to light arguments healthy discussions with students about whether or not to use Foreign Key constraints on InnoDB tables. My standard response has always been: “it depends on how much of a tradeoff you are willing to make for…

21 September 2010

Practical PHPUnit: Testing XML generation

Planet PHPUnit

Testing classes which generate XML can be a cumbersome work. At least, if you don't know the right tricks to make your life easier. In this article, I will throw some light upon different approaches and show you, how XML generation can be tested quite…

17 September 2010