How Not To Design a Protocol


An anonymous reader writes "Google security researcher Michael Zalewski posted a cautionary tale for software engineers: amusing historical overview of all the security problems with HTTP cookies, including an impressive collection of issues we won't be…

30 October 2010

New MacBook Air: The best ever?


Apple's spectacularly responsive new MacBook Air is the best Air yet -- and might be the best MacBook, period

30 October 2010

iPhoto 11: Avoid possible data loss

A possible bug in the upgrade process by iLife 11 causes a loss in one's library. Even more, some of the 'successful' upgraders are not even aware that they, might too, lost some files! The root of the problem lies in faulty permissions within the iPhoto…

28 October 2010

Marc Deslauriers: Stuck on dial-up (Updated)

Planet Ubuntu

My mother has been a happy Ubuntu user ever since I installed Dapper to solve the countless problems she was having with Windows Me. Since her computer is starting to age, and she's a 5-hour drive away, I bought her a brand new computer for her birthday,…

22 October 2010

Aliases in FaceTime for Mac

You can create an icon on your desktop (or anywhere) which starts a FaceTime call to a particular person. Once you have FaceTime installed on your Mac, you can initiate a call by entering: * facetime://appleid * facetime://email@address * …

22 October 2010

making my C more like Python

Planet GNOME

Asynchronous programming in C can be such a pain. You’re always creating little structs in order to pass around user_data. So often I find myself wishing it were like Python, and I could just create an anonymous tuple. Then I had this crazy idea. DBus is…

20 October 2010

MySQL Limitations Part 1: Single-Threaded Replication

MySQL Performance Blog

I recently mentioned a few of the big “non-starter” limitations Postgres has overcome for specific use cases. I decided to write a series of blog posts on MySQL’s unsolved severe limitations. I mean limitations that really hobble it for major, important…

20 October 2010

Scan images wirelessly with Preview


Cut the cords and set up your Mac and all-in-one scanner so you can scan documents and images over a Wi-Fi connection.

19 October 2010