Seas0nPass for Mac now supports untethered AppleTV jailbreak

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

The folks over at FireCore LLC announced today that their Seas0nPass had been updated to include an untethered jailbreak for the AppleTV 4.1.1 (iOS 4.2.1). Currently it is only for Mac, but a Windows version "will be available soon." The FireCore folks…

23 February 2011

Joachim Breitner: Goodbye server4you

Planet Debian

My server, which is among other things hosting this weblog, is a dedicated server originally hosted by the German webhoster webperoni. It was a bargain at that time, and still a good price, and I was satisfied with webperoni’s performance and reliability.…

23 February 2011

Simulate Airport Express network audio

Have you ever wanted to wirelessly stream all audio from your Mac to the Unix/Windows/Mac box in your cupboard connected to your beefy stereo? Here is an alternative to buying an Airport Express for the purpose. This tip is similar to this hint but after…

23 February 2011

Bugzilla 4.0 Released!

Planet Mozilla

So, last week we released Bugzilla 4.0, which was pretty exciting. It had some awesome major new features, like the redesigned search page, automatic duplicate detection, autocomplete for user and keyword fields, and an enormously-enhanced WebServices…

23 February 2011

Make a more obvious low battery warning

I once owned a ThinkPad T60 series and when the battery in it became critically low it would beep wildly and make its low battery status very well known (impossible to ignore) and forced me to do something about it. I am distracted easily, and when…

23 February 2011

nginx and flup

Planet Mozilla

I hope this will be helpful to someone, someday: If you're using flup to serve fastCGI to nginx, don't enable multiplexing! Background: The Bugzilla Dashboard uses as its back-end, for authentication, caching, and storage of divisions, teams, and…

22 February 2011

Quickly tag faces in iPhoto

I love the Faces part of iPhoto but I got tired of clicking 'Accept' on the hundreds of photos it found for each person in my family. Because the face recognition is pretty accurate, there are usually pages and pages of photos to 'Accept.' Instead of…

22 February 2011

Git tags and building

Fraser Hess, on Cocoa Is My Girlfriend, revisits his system for adding the git version to your app’s info.plist, so that the system works for the Build-and-Archive submission process.

21 February 2011