What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior #1/3


The LLVM project blog has the beginning of a three-part series on undefined behavior in C. "Undefined behavior exists in C-based languages because the designers of C wanted it to be an extremely efficient low-level programming language. In contrast,…

12 May 2011

Sergey Brin: Windows Is "Torturing Users"


jbrodkin writes "Google created Chrome OS because Windows is 'torturing users,' Google co-founder Sergey Brin says. Only about 20% of Google employees use Windows, with the rest on Mac and Linux, and Brin hopes that by next year nearly all Googlers will…

12 May 2011

How to transfer files to and from an iPad


There are plenty of ways to move files back and forth between your iPad and your Mac. None of them are perfect. Lex Friedman compares the alternatives.

12 May 2011

Open formatted man pages in Preview from the command line


I spend a lot of time reading man pages. Normally, the system pager less is fine for this. Occasionally, they're big enough or important enough that I want to keep them open in a window and read them at leisure. For those cases, I made a 2-line shell…

12 May 2011

Introduction to programming in Erlang (developerWorks)


There is an introduction to the Erlang programming language (the first part in a series) on the developerWorks site. "Erlang provides a number of standard features not found in or difficult to manage in other languages. Much of this functionality exists…

11 May 2011

Merge dates vs release dates

Planet Mozilla

Upcoming Firefox release dates are listed at RapidRelease/Calendar. Thunderbird approximately (i.e. not strictly) follows the ESR schedule listed there. The full list of Firefox release notes is available on mozilla.org. The full list of Thunderbird…

11 May 2011

Localizing NIB files with Xcode 4

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, One problem I have with Xcode 4 is that there are lots of tiny icons and tabs whose purpose is not immediately obvious. Also the UI has undergone a radical overhaul so knowing how to do…

10 May 2011