Are you using Wolfram Alpha?

Planet KDE

Hi! That blog-post will not be very long, because I want to sleep soon and do further investigations later. Many of you will know about Wolfram Alpha, when I first saw it, I thought: hey, that is really cool. Many people are using it. But it has some short…

17 May 2011

Dealing with Failure in Objective-C initializers

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, Most introductory texts on Objective-C cover the two step process to allocate and initialize a new object but do not say much about what you should do if the initialization fails. I suspect…

17 May 2011

New Core version of Curio in the Mac App Store

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

We've mentioned the brainstorming, mind mapping, project managing notebook application Curio a few times before. The full version, Curio Professional, runs US$169.99, and the Standard version is $119.99, and both are well worth it in this blogger's…

16 May 2011

Kai Wasserbäch: LWP::Authen::OAuth in NEW

Planet Debian

I've uploaded to Debian today, [UPDATE: currently the package is waiting in NEW (please note, that the previous link might not work, in case the package has entered the archive already or the page hasn't been generated yet). and is now in the archive.…

15 May 2011

Dear Aunt TUAW: Help me move my iOS devices to a new computer

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Dear Aunt TUAW, I just bought a brand spanking new iMac. Since I want a clean slate, I am moving everything over manually from my old MacBook. So far so good, except for my iPhone, iPod touch, iPad etc. How do I switch my iOS devices over without the loss…

14 May 2011

Connecting orphaned .ibd files

MySQL Performance Blog

There are two ways InnoDB can organize tablespaces. First is when all data, indexes and system buffers are stored in a single tablespace. This is typicaly one or several ibdata files. A well known innodb_file_per_table option brings the second one. Tables…

13 May 2011 app a good way to find last-minute hotel deals

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Travel juggernaut has a new app available for both iOS and Android. The site is similar to discount travel sites such as Priceline and Orbitz, and it features last-minute deals from more than 135,000 around the world. A rudimentary app released…

13 May 2011

Shard-Query EC2 images available

MySQL Performance Blog

There are now demonstration AMI images for Shard-Query. Each image comes pre-loaded with the data used in the previous Shard-Query blog post. The data in the each image is split into 20 “shards”. This blog post will refer to an EC2 instances as a node…

12 May 2011

Selenium Test Day for

Planet Mozilla

Since the last exercise at doing Selenium tests with Mozillians was a success I want to do it again! On Tuesday 24 May 2011, I will be hosting a Test Day for Mozilla with help of some of my colleagues to help expand coverage on one of our projects and…

12 May 2011