If you install iOS 5, you can't go back... maybe (Updated)

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Update: Some of our Twitter buddies have noted that you should be able to use the TinyUmbrella tool to kick out of the 'error 1' loop that results after restoring an iOS 5 iPhone back to 4.3.3, and proceed safely from there. Needless to say, your mileage…

7 June 2011

How to burn a Lion boot disc

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Mac OS X Lion will debut in July, and this handy set of instructions from Egg Freckles will let you create a boot disc for installation. OS X Lion will be distributed via the Mac App Store, and you can download the installer files to your hard drive. Once…

7 June 2011


Planet Mozilla

I just published replace, a find-and-replace command line utility that others might find useful. I’m always wanting to replace strings spread throughout my code, and never found an easy way to do it. `find` + `sed` can do it, but the syntax is hard to…

6 June 2011

How to check if an Apple promo code has been used or not

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

App developers often share promo codes with reviewers, forums, etc. Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a way to track which codes have been used, resulting in wasted promotions. Fortunately, Kam, the developer of Walkabout, explains how to determine if a…

6 June 2011

GSOC – Tab grouping in Rekonq

Planet KDE

I’m writing this to blog about my progress, though there is nothing much spectacular to blog about. One great thing is, a first version of the backend code for session management is in place now. Sadly, there is no UI yet to access it. Now I am working on…

2 June 2011

How to use epoll? A complete example in C

Planet GNOME

Network servers are traditionally implemented using a separate process or thread per connection. For high performance applications that need to handle a very large number of clients simultaneously, this approach won't work well, because factors such as…

2 June 2011

Google WebRTC: Can It Replace Skype?


mikejuk writes "Google WebRTC, all open source, is part of the web revolution that allows one browser to talk directly to another without the need for a server getting involved. WebRTC is an API that used the new P2P web API to allow developers to…

2 June 2011

Skype Protocol Has Been Reverse Engineered


An anonymous reader writes "One researcher has decided he wants to make Skype open source by reverse engineering the protocol the service uses. In fact, he claims to have already achieved that feat on a new skype-open-source blog. The source code has been…

2 June 2011