What do people type in the address bar?

Planet Mozilla

Less Talk, More Do Christopher Finke writes about things he has done: software, woodworking, and other creative endeavors. What do people type in the address bar? Update: URL Fixer was acquired and is now hosted at http://urlfixer.org/ Earlier this…

25 July 2011

1Password, Lion and that new Safari extension

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

1Password version 3 was recently made available with Mac OS X Lion compatibility, enhanced keyboard shortcuts and, most notably for Safari users, a new Safari extension. The new extension borrows heavily from its Chrome counterpart and represents a…

25 July 2011

Lion: Deleting apps in Launchpad, and starting clean

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Launchpad in Mac OS Lion shares a key behavior with its iOS counterpart: deleting an app from the launcher also uninstalls it from the computer, as long as the app was purchased from the Mac App Store. Of course, it's quick and easy to redownload the MAS…

25 July 2011

Common acronyms

Planet GNOME

To increase the speed of communication in the free software community, many people use acronyms. However you might sometimes find one you aren't sure of it's meaning. So here is a list of the most common ones. More can be found in the Jargon file. *…

23 July 2011

Bill Atkinson part of the Google+ team (Updated: Apparently not)

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Update: The San Jose Mercury News got this one wrong and the info has been redacted in their original story. While Mr. Atkinson is a user, he's not a part of Google's team. Thanks to everyone who brought this to our attention and Mike Swift for the…

21 July 2011

Making Sense of the NoSQL Standouts


snydeq writes "InfoWorld's Peter Wayner provides an overview of the more compelling NoSQL data stores on offer today in hopes of helping IT pros get started experimenting with these powerful tools. From Cassandra, to MongoDB, to Neo4J, each appears geared…

21 July 2011

Full HTTPS REST server in Node.js

Planet Mozilla

I will show you now, how to write a simple HTTPS JSON REST server using node.js components. Grab a beer, open your IDE and let’s start hacking. If you don’t have valid https certificates, you can generate one for testing purposes. If you need one cool…

20 July 2011

Should you do a "clean install" of Lion?


Some Mac users prefer to do a "clean install" of each major new version of OS X, erasing their drive and starting over. We examine whether or not that's possible or, more important, advisable with Lion.

20 July 2011