How to get your full disc space back on ext filesystems

Planet KDE

You may have already wondered why you can't use the full disc space on an ext2/3/4 partition? You already seen something like this, where the used and available blocks don't fit the number of blocks on the device/partition:> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used…

19 August 2011

10.7: Fix issues with startup items accessing encrypted disks

When logging in to an account on Lion the login items as well as any applications being resumed get launched right away; in my case, this happens before the system has had a chance to unlock the external encrypted disk that some of these programs need…

19 August 2011

Book Review: The Python Standard Library By Example


thatpythonguy writes "Addison-Wesley publishers has released The Python Standard Library By Example, another Python book that strategically fits in between programming cookbooks and library reference manuals. It brings the Python standard library that…

19 August 2011

C++ 2011 and the Return of Native Code


snydeq writes with an editorial in InfoWorld about the resurgence of native code. From the article: "Modern programmers have increasingly turned away from native compilation in favor of managed-code environments such as Java and .Net, which shield them…

18 August 2011

C++0x Finally Becomes a Standard


Samfer writes "On Friday August 12th 2011, the results for the final ISO ballot on C++0x came in, and the ISO C++ Standards Committee were unanimous in favor of approving the new C++0x (for now unofficially known as C++11) object-oriented programming…

16 August 2011

How to use epoll? A complete example in C

Planet GNOME

Network servers are traditionally implemented using a separate process or thread per connection. For high performance applications that need to handle a very large number of clients simultaneously, this approach won't work well, because factors such as…

16 August 2011

How to learn to use gestures in Lion


If you've never used Multi-Touch gestures on your Mac, Lion's new emphasis on them may make you feel as though you're being asked to learn a new language. Which, in a way, you are. Here's how to climb the learning curve as smoothly as possible.

15 August 2011

Mac 101: Additional tips for OS X Lion's Mission Control

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

TUAW's Dave Caolo did an in-depth look at OS X Lion's new window/application manager, Mission Control, the day of OS X Lion's launch. If you're completely confused about Mission Control's features, Dave's post is a good place to get a baseline of…

13 August 2011