How to secure your e-mail under Mac OS X and iOS 5 with S/MIME

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

As one of the oldest applications of the Internet, e-mail has never been known for having top-notch security. This reputation isn't completely undeserved: even today, anyone who knows how to bring up the preferences of a mail program can send out messages…

19 October 2011

iOS 5 Split View Controller Changes

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, The split view controller was introduced with the iPad back in iOS 3.2 and has not received much in the way of updates since then. It splits the display into two views commonly used to…

19 October 2011

How Yahoo Spawned Hadoop, the Future of Big Data

Wired Top Stories

The very best basketball free throw shooters can sink the ball about 90 percent of the time. What would it take to get to 95 percent? WIRED's Robbie Gonzalez steps up to the foul line with top shooter Steve Nash to find out.

18 October 2011

Horn Bike: the bike-mounted passive amplifier for iPhone 4

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

My favorite way to get around in London is cycling. And everyone knows that an iPhone with its GPS is a cyclist's best friend while navigating a city. But the drawback to cycling with an iPhone is obvious: if it's held in your hand you're going to A.)…

14 October 2011

Moving files between git repositories

Planet KDE

In our project we had to move several files between git repositories. Having searched the internet, there didn't seem to be any well defined way to do it. I don't claim to be a git wizard, but I came up with a solution that I wanted to share in case it was…

13 October 2011

flick list with its momentum scrolling and deceleration

Planet KDE

The launch of Apple iPhone few years ago popularizes the use of flick list, a touch-friendly list interface with a bit of physics when hitting the edge and scrolling. This effect is often known as momentum scrolling (although personally I prefer the more…

13 October 2011

Google Employee Accidentally Shares Rant About Google+


First time accepted submitter quantumplacet writes "Longtime Googler Steve Yegge posted an insightful rant on his Google+ page about how Google is failing to make platforms of its products. He also shares some interesting little tidbits about his six year…

12 October 2011

Enhancements for HTML5 videos in Firefox

Planet Mozilla

There has been a lot of attention focused on enhancements for HTML5 videos recently. Here is a list of changes you can expect to see, as well as find out what is currently planned. * Requires the |controls| attribute is set on the

8 October 2011

On Life

Planet Mozilla

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of…

6 October 2011