a guide to writing git commit messages

Planet GNOME

The GOPW application period is coming to a close soon, and so potential interns are currently getting their initial contribution in to qualify. Obviously the nicest way to submit your patch is as a commit, or series of commits using git, either via or …

25 October 2011

How to find Mail messages in Lion


The Lion version of Mail includes useful new search features, but also adds complexity and confusion to the process of finding messages. You can locate the messages you want, quickly and easily, by following some simple steps and learning a few pro…

24 October 2011

Daily Mac App: Disk Speed Test

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

You've got a shiny new SSD-equipped machine, but you're wondering just how fast that SSD really is. Disk Speed Test from Blackmagic will give you a quick, straightforward answer. It's incredibly easy to use. Disk Speed Test writes large chunks of data to…

24 October 2011

Sync preference data with iCloud

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, One of the most interesting additions to iOS 5 was iCloud storage which makes it easy to sync data between apps running on different iOS and OS X devices. Effectively you can store key…

24 October 2011

Complete guide to FileVault 2 in Lion


Lion's FileVault 2 can be used to protect your data by encrypting your Mac's hard drive. Interested in using FileVault 2, but don't know where to start? Macworld senior contributor Glenn Fleishman has a complete guide to FileVault 2.

21 October 2011

Entry-Level NAS Storage Servers Compared


snydeq writes "InfoWorld's Desmond Fuller provides an in-depth comparison of five entry-level NAS storage servers, including cabinets from Iomega, Netgear, QNAP, Synology, and Thecus. 'With so many use cases and potential buyers, the vendors too often try…

20 October 2011

Enabling Real-Time Communication on the Web Platform

Planet Mozilla

Mozilla’s manifesto describes the internet as an integral part of modern life and a key component in communication. However, communication on the web has far to go before it’s as rich as face-to-face communication. Real-time video communication on the web…

19 October 2011

My programming job evaluation criterion

Planet Mozilla

I love making lists with no title or context and then hiding them somewhere in my room. At least, that's the inevitable conclusion of my paper-purging weekend. I actually found one fun list (under my bed) that I've rematerialized the context for: what…

19 October 2011