iPads and responsive design


I’m a few days late linking to this, but it’s important. Dave Winer writes: > Designers really need to hear the following, loud and clear: The iPad browser is fully capable. It doesn't need you to treat it differently. You're fighting with users when you…

18 November 2011

10.7: Mac Mail - Get the Outbox back


Newer versions of Mail, by default, don't show your Outbox in your folder list. Even if you go offline and then compose a new email and hit Send, you will still not see an Outbox (some users note that their Outbox will show up temporarily, but will be gone…

18 November 2011

Google Upgrades WebP To Challenge PNG Image Format


New submitter more writes with news that Google has added to its WebP image format the ability to losslessly compress images, and to do so with a substantial reduction in file size compared to the PNG format. Quoting: "Our main focus for lossless mode…

18 November 2011

Sphinx 2.0.2 Beta is released, Sphinx Users Conference in December

MySQL Performance Blog

My friends at Sphinx Technologies have finally released new beta of Sphinx – Sphinx 2.0.2. It includes about 6 months of development and includes over 30 new features and tons of bug fixes. I’m happy to see how Sphinx 2.0 is shaping up a lot of rough…

17 November 2011

EasyFind is a free alternative to Spotlight

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

EasyFind is a free application that helps you find files and folders on your Mac. And yes, it's better than Spotlight. EasyFind is made by the folks at DEVONtechnologies who are well-known for developing powerful search software DEVONthink, DEVONagent…

17 November 2011

How about IMAP for RSS syncing?


On Twitter, Maize Hughes asked about using IMAP. Just store the RSS articles as email on an IMAP server. He elaborated: “Imagine a desktop Thunderbird install as a mailserver I could get to from my iPhone.” It’s a creative idea — I like the idea of re…

17 November 2011

Send direct links to iOS pref panes via email


Here's how to add links to iPhone/iPad preference panes within an email, that'll work even on non-jailbroken iOS devices. This way you can help newbie users quickly go straight to a setting -- ideal if using iOS devices in a corporate setting. I'm the…

16 November 2011

Transfer files to your iOS device remotely


Your Mac is in the attic, you and your iPod are on the couch. Here's how to transfer a variety of files to your iPad without shifting your keister.

16 November 2011

Stanford iOS development course updated for iOS 5

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, This quarter’s lectures from the excellent Stanford iOS App Development course have just been published to iTunesU. This years course is again presented by Paul Hegarty and promises to…

16 November 2011