10.6: Setting up the free iCloud account in Mail


This hint describes how to connect your free me.com iCloud account with Mail.app on Snow Leopard. Open Mail and do the following: * Set a new account (+) (in prefs on Mail.app). * Set the new account to use IMAP (this is important). * Set the incoming…

30 December 2011

Getting port mappings and DHCP usage from an Airport Device


If you're like me, I'm frustrated by the way the Airport Utility displays NAT port mappings and DHCP assignments. I have a lot of ports mapped, and quite a few devices on my network and it's painful to remember which ports are mapped to which devices. I've…

29 December 2011

Arcade emulator iMAME punted out of App Store

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Fans of vintage arcade games know that the popular and free emulation tool MAME (stands for "Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator") can be used to recreate the experience of classic coin-op and console videogames on PCs, Macs and jailbroken iOS devices. The…

23 December 2011

Disassembly part 2


Part two of the Friday Q&A on Disassembling the Assembly is up. I’m saving it to read during the holiday.

23 December 2011

Twitter To Open Source Android Security Tech


itwbennett writes "Following last month's acquisition of Whisper Systems, Twitter is open sourcing 'some' of the company's Android security products. First up: TextSecure, a text messaging client that encrypts messages. Souce code is on GitHub now.…

22 December 2011

LinkedIn open sources search engine


Joining its fellow social-networking companies in the public release of internal code, LinkedIn has opened sourced software obtained in October with its purchase of the IndexTank search-engine software provider.

22 December 2011

Average Web Page Approaches 1MB


MrSeb writes "According to new research from HTTP Archive, which regularly scans the internet's most popular destinations, the average size of a single web page is now 965 kilobytes, up more than 30% from last year's average of 702KB. This rapid growth…

22 December 2011

Get around EC2 filesystem limits (sort of)

Planet Mozilla

Tonight I got myself pretty excited about an EC2 hack. Essentially I was able to create arbitrarily sized root filesystems, when the limit was supposed to be 10GB… or so I thought. A little background. Amazon AWS allows you to make custom machine images to…

20 December 2011