Configuring MySQL For High Number of Connections per Second

MySQL Performance Blog

One thing I noticed during the observation was that there were roughly 2,000 new connections to MySQL per second during peak times. This is a high number by any account. When a new connection to MySQL is made, it can go into the back_log, which…

6 January 2012

HappyShutter brings smile recognition to iOS

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Smile-recognition technology is nothing new. Dozens of camera brands support this feature but it isn't yet part of iOS's built-in camera system. Now for US$0.99, you can purchase HappyShutter. It's built using new iOS Core Image technology to detect both…

5 January 2012

Collin on his Tools

Lesson learned: don’t tease Collin about his man-purse, because he gets “crazy-touchy about it.” Got that? Don’t tease Collin about his man-purse. Do. Not. Do. It. Good list. It includes Marked, which I’ve recently started using too. I haven’t tried Alfred…

4 January 2012

Test-Driven Development: The New Black

Planet Mozilla

It’s a new year, a time when good habits are formed. Test-driven software development is no exception! At our Summit last month, Mozillian Mike Hanson shared some benefits of testing (including coding discipline and ways to integrate broader groups of code…

4 January 2012

How iOS multitasking really works


Fraser Speirs clears up one of the most misunderstood parts about how iOS 5 works: Multitasking versus the App Switcher, and how they're not related to one another.

4 January 2012

UIStepper control

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, A quick and simple post to kick off the new year looking at another cool iOS 5 UIKit addition. The UIStepper class provides a simple means to increment and decrement a value. You can get…

4 January 2012

The fear of CRUD

Planet Mozilla

Cornice is growing steadily, and we are thinking about the different ways to use it for our needs. One use case that comes often when we build web services is the need to publish a SQL Database via HTTP. For instance, in a project I am working on, we…

3 January 2012

Hijacking Innodb Foreign Keys

MySQL Performance Blog

I guess I’m first to post in 2012 so Happy New Year all blog readers ! Now back to HardCore MySQL business – foreign Keys. MySQL supported Foreign Keys for Innodb for many years, yet rudimentary support initially added in MySQL 3.23.44 have not been…

2 January 2012

Macworld buying guide: iPad styluses


There are styluses for writing, styluses for painting, styluses for navigating, and even styluses for playing a virtual guitar. Whatever your use case may be, here's a guide to help you find what you need.

30 December 2011