jQuery Widgets + Throwing Stars


My friend Faisal Jawdat is co-author of Ninja UI — reusable widgets for web pages. Reusable widgets that are lethal.

17 January 2012

Congratulations November Dev Derby Winners

Planet Mozilla

Canvas is a new HTML5 element which creates a digital “drawing board.” A web developer can use one of these drawing boards along with some JavaScript to create simple shapes, graphs, animations, interactive games, and more. Recently, eighteen creative…

14 January 2012

Hidden secret apps of CoreServices

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Nestled within the bosom of your Mac's system folder lie many powerful and curious applications. Not intended for direct access, the denizens of the CoreServices directory work as clients for other OS apps such as System Preferences or Safari. There are…

14 January 2012

L'oroscopo degli automobilisti torna il tormentone...

Repubblica.it > Homepage

Alla compagnia di assicurazione online, hanno pensato di analizzare i profili dei guidatori italiani scoprendo quali sono i segni zodiacali a cui gli astri... Articoli correlati * Nuova Porsche Boxster ora si cambia tutto * Videogiochi di auto? Una…

13 January 2012

Percona testing: Quick test clusters with kewpie!

MySQL Performance Blog

The announcement of Percona XtraDB Cluster seems to have generated a fair bit of interest : ) Although the documentation contains more formal instructions for setting up a test cluster, I wanted to share a quick way to set up an ad-hoc cluster on a single…

13 January 2012

Making the impossible: 3 nodes intercontinental replication

MySQL Performance Blog

In this post I want to show new possibilities which open with Percona XtraDB Cluster. We will create 3 nodes Cluster with nodes on different continents (Europe, USA, Japan) and each node will accept write queries. Well, you theoretically could create 3…

12 January 2012

Fix dropout problems when streaming music over Airport Express g


I've been using Airport Express wireless-g for years to stream music to my stereos. And they work great once you get them working, but with the wireless-g models, I have always had problems setting them up on a new network after they have already been…

10 January 2012

Xcode 4.2 building for iOS 3.1.x and older devices

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, the extra effort it takes to maintain backward compatibility with iOS 3.1.x is getting a little greater with each update to Xcode and iOS. The release of Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 added a couple…

10 January 2012

Select and copy text within Quick Look previews


When you use Quick Look to preview documents, you can't select and copy the text without exiting Quick Look and launching the right application. Unless, that is, you use this hint.

9 January 2012

Easy encryption with Disk Utility


Are there tools for encrypting folders on your Mac? Sure. But before going there, take a second look at Disk Utility.

9 January 2012