HTML5 for everything?

Planet KDE

Apparently HTML5 applications are the best thing after sliced bread. HTML5 is the first platform any mobile vendor supports: iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Symbian. All of them. Windows 8 is said to promote HTML5 as the preferred application…

30 January 2012

Firefox Performance Work-week & FOSDEM

Planet Mozilla

The Performance team and some of the Firefox team are spending the week in Brussels, laying waste to some of the performance issues in the browser. Much thanks to our excellent hosts HSBXL, a hackerspace in central Brussels. We’re equipped with fast…

30 January 2012

Unofficial "Look Up in 1Password" bookmarklet for iOS 5

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

1Password is one of my most-used iOS apps, since I need it to log in to any site which requires a password. Since the introduction of 1Password on iOS, Agile has provided a bookmarklet which will open 1Password and then search for the current domain.…

29 January 2012

Twitter Adds Responsive Design Tools to Bootstrap 2.0

Wired Top Stories

The very best basketball free throw shooters can sink the ball about 90 percent of the time. What would it take to get to 95 percent? WIRED's Robbie Gonzalez steps up to the foul line with top shooter Steve Nash to find out.

26 January 2012

the easy way to import from git into svn

Planet KDE

At Eljakim (my new employer), work repositories are all svn (lowest common denominator), but several of us access them via git-svn. I’ve created a couple of new ones recently, but thanks to timezones, I never get an svn repo until I’ve already done a day’s…

25 January 2012

Lion's FileVault 2 and disk restore: caveat encryptor

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

When Mac OS X 10.7 Lion introduced full disk encryption, called FileVault 2, it was a huge improvement over the original FileVault, which only encrypts a user's home folder. And because of the "creative" way FileVault was implemented, there were…

25 January 2012