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Repubblica.it > Homepage
storie correlate * Masters di Augusta, Tiger perde la pazienza * Oxford-Cambridge, regata col brivido * Tennis, le Original 9 quarant'anni dopo
8 April 2012Repubblica.it > Homepage
storie correlate * Masters di Augusta, Tiger perde la pazienza * Oxford-Cambridge, regata col brivido * Tennis, le Original 9 quarant'anni dopo
8 April 2012Repubblica Ultimora
Mario Monti da Gerusalemme torna a ribadire che la riforma del lavoro rende il mercato molto piu' flessibile e meno dualistico a favore dei lavoratori. E' una riforma 'bilanciata' che rende il mercato del lavoro piu' efficiente. Cosi' il presidente del…
8 April 2012Planet GNOME
““If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood and sweat and tears.”” - Simon Sinek I consider myself very lucky for having gotten to a…
6 April 2012Use Your Loaf
Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, Whilst playing with the Master Detail Application template provided with Xcode 4.3.2 I came across an odd error message for the split view controller class. The problem happens when you…
6 April 2012Ars Technica » Infinite Loop
So you're a Mac user who has heard that more than half a million Macs have been infected by the recent Flashback malware. When the news began to spread about how the malware took advantage of a previously unpatched Java vulnerability on the Mac, the the…
6 April 2012Macworld
The success of the Flashback trojan means we've entered a new era in Mac security. But that doesn't mean we need to panic. Rich Mogull explains what Flashback means and what you need to do about it.
6 April 2012Planet GNOME
5 April 2012Planet Ubuntu
Lots of KDE SC 4.8.2 packaging and testing today. But some folks can't test it easily because they have small bandwidth or they don't want to install experimental packages on their local computer. I've been using EC2 machines for a while, which you hire by…
3 April 2012TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
Developers -- are you in need of a really high resolution mockup of the iPhone 4/4S Retina display GUI elements to help the design of your app? Geoff Teehan and his team created a Photoshop file (.PSD) to help you mock up those apps. According to Teehan,…
2 April 2012MacOSXHints.com
I have always been annoyed by the carrier name taking up a lot of space at the top of my iPhone screen. A few days ago I found a way to insert the much smaller carrier logo without jailbreaking the device. Just search Google for an IPCC file for your…
30 March 2012