Nick on Android Fragmentation

Nick Bradbury: > Android’s “fragmentation” problem is miniscule. It’s overstated in the tech press because it generates traffic. Have I linked to Nick enough recently? You should subscribe to his feed.

22 May 2012

The future is forever: the state of IPv6 in the Apple world

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

With the demise of Apple's own networking protocol AppleTalk, Apple's products are suffering from the same issue as anyone else's: the Internet is running out of addresses. Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Netflix, and others will permanently turn on IPv6 in less…

21 May 2012

Benchmarking single-row insert performance on Amazon EC2

MySQL Performance Blog

I have been working for a customer benchmarking insert performance on Amazon EC2, and I have some interesting results that I wanted to share. I used a nice and effective tool iiBench which has been developed by Tokutek. Though the “1 billion row insert…

16 May 2012

A Good AirPlay Speaker

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

If I were going to buy an AirPlay speaker today, I'd get Audyssey's Audio Dock Air. Compared to other speakers that use Apple's proprietary streaming protocol, the Audio Dock Air is reasonably affordable (no small feat for AirPlay speakers), has a great…

12 May 2012

Sempre connessi. Ma cos'hai di così urgente da scrivere? > Homepage

storie correlate * Zuckerberg, polemiche sulla felpa Wall Street vuole un Ceo ben vestito * Instagram Socialmatic, una vera "Instacam" * Occhiali del futuro, Google pubblica le prime foto * Test nel deserto per Curiosity: il rover sbarcherà su…

11 May 2012

Programming iOS 5 by Matt Neuburg

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, My list of book resources has lacked a strong recommendation for iOS for some time. There are a lot of good introduction to iOS programming books available but I struggle to recommend just…

11 May 2012

DevJuice: Injection for Xcode

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Are you one of the many devs who miss Xcode's "Fix and Continue" feature? Apple removed "Fix and Continue" in Xcode 4. This option allowed you to patch your binary with updated code, as you ran and debugged it. Well, there's good news. Developer John…

10 May 2012