Create Retina-ready graphics for your website

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

If you're looking for something to do this weekend that doesn't involve fighting your way through massive crowds of holiday shoppers, you can work on bumping the graphics on your website up to Retina quality. Designer Chris Spooner took a look at his…

23 November 2012

DevJuice: Parse jumps to OS X Mountain Lion

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

If you love Parse, you'll be happy to hear that the company just released an OS X SDK. Parse helps you store, sync and push data, enabling you to build server-based apps in the cloud without having to bring your own infrastructure. The new OS X API…

20 November 2012

Python 3.2 lets you write Python on the iPhone

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

We've posted before about Codea, an iPad app that allows you to code and create LUA scripts. And now here's a new iPhone app called Python 3.2 that, as you might imagine, allows coders to write Python scripts through iOS. The app runs Python 3.2.3 and…

20 November 2012

Extending Selenium with jQuery

Planet GNOME

Last week I wrote about combining Selenium and py.test and I promised to also talk about my function find_elements_by_jquery(). Selenium by default can find elements by id, CSS selector and XPath, but I often find I already know the query as a jQuery…

19 November 2012

Webinar: Looking for Painless MySQL High Availability ?

MySQL Performance Blog

I have a pleasure to deliver Webinar on Industrial-Strength MySQL Applications Using Percona and Continuent together with Robert Hodges next week, Nov 28. We will talk about how you can use technologies from Percona and Continuent to build Highly…

19 November 2012

Web APIs: a moving target

Planet GNOME

Google have recently announced version 3 of their YouTube API. This is great news for libgdata: it means we can have access to all the same functionality as before, just with a JSON flavour, rather than Atom. Sarcasm aside, the last few years of working…

18 November 2012

CSS Transitions

Planet Mozilla

There are two ways to create animations with pure CSS: CSS animations and CSS transitions. CSS transitions provide a simple method for animation one or multiple properties from one value to another. CSS transitions do not require @keyframes -- simply…

17 November 2012

Gentoo Developers Fork udev


In October, Linus Torvalds expressed concerns that udev was making "...changes that were known to be problematic, and are pure and utter stupidity." Several Gentoo developers were also concerned about the removal of features and uncooperative nature of…

16 November 2012

Hacker Grabs 150k Adobe User Accounts Via SQL Injection


CowboyRobot writes "Adobe today confirmed that one of its databases has been breached by a hacker and that it had temporarily taken offline the affected website. The hacker, who also goes by Adam Hima, told Dark Reading that the server…

15 November 2012

How to manage passwords with Keychain Access


In the innocent days of our computing youth, many of us had to memorize just one password—the one we used to send and retrieve our email over a glacially slow dial-up connection. User-account passwords? For geeks. Shopping-site passwords? What shopping…

15 November 2012