Improve your web app backends connections

Planet Mozilla

I've talked about this previously, but let me state it again before I introduce the tools. One of the most common issue I witness in web applications out there is their inability to cope with backend issues. For example, if you are using a MySQL database,…

27 December 2012

Rudy Godoy: s3tools – Simple Storage Service for non-Amazon providers

Planet Debian

One of the nicest developments in the cloud arena is the increasing adoption of standards. This, of course, will impact on maturity and market confidence on such technologies. Amazon, as one of the pioneers, made a good choice on their offering design by…

26 December 2012

4 Creative Ways to Recruit Web Developers

Planet Mozilla

For jobs other than technology jobs, applying for a job and creating a resume hasn't changed much in the past decade; if you're a tech person, however, recruiting developers certainly has changed. Some prospective employers advertise on LinkedIn or…

24 December 2012

Empty an Array with JavaScript

Planet Mozilla

Emptying an array is a common JavaScript task but too often I see the task performed in the incorrect way. Many times developers will create a new array: myArray = []; // bad That isn't the optimal way to get a fresh array; to truncate an array, and…

24 December 2012

Gamification for me as a software developer

Planet Mozilla

"Gamification is the use of game-thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts in order to engage users and solve problems" -- wikipedia Gamification sneaks into a software developer's life whether he/she likes it or not. Some work for me, some don't.…

21 December 2012

Andrea Veri: IPv6 tunneling with Hurricane Electrics

Planet Ubuntu

I’ve been looking around for a possible way to connect to the IPv6 internet for some time now and given the fact my provider didn’t allow me to run IPv6 natively I had to find an alternative solution. Hurricane Electrics (HE) provides (for free) five…

21 December 2012

Simple Security

Neglected Potential

We previously looked at how to peek inside app bundles to get an inside look at how they might be handling data. Another important element to an app’s security is how they handle data externally. You can read through Terms of Service and Privacy Policy,…

20 December 2012

Changing the world, one task at a time

Planet GNOME

The main concept behind Getting Things GNOME is that everything, absolutely everything is a task. Writing a book is a task. Developing an operating system is a task. Climbing mount Everest is task. Taking out the trash is a task. Everything. I agree. It's…

19 December 2012