Three Letters
Apple: Programming with Objective-C: Conventions: > Your own classes should use three letter prefixes. This is news to me. (Via Colin Wheeler.) I call BS.
10 January
Apple: Programming with Objective-C: Conventions: > Your own classes should use three letter prefixes. This is news to me. (Via Colin Wheeler.) I call BS.
10 January 2013Neglected Potential
I recently spent some time looking at a number of iPhone apps in the App Store to see how well they were implementing SSL. It was a little surprising to see how many big-name apps ignored SSL errors and even more surprising to see some that didn’t use SSL…
10 January 2013MySQL Performance Blog
While we do have many blog posts on replication on our blog, such as on replication being single-threaded, on semi-synchronous replication or on estimating replication capacity, I don’t think we have one that covers the very basics of how MySQL replication…
9 January 2013Planet Mozilla
Tech recruiting is big business. Hire the right developers and you have the next big thing; hire the wrong developers and you have a team full of egos, problems, and headaches. I've gotten a fair share of recruiter emails over the past five years and,…
8 January 2013Slashdot
Press2ToContinue writes "I came across this page that asks the question, 'what are the unwritten rules of deleting code?' It made me realize that I have seen no references to generally-accepted best-practice documents regarding code modification,…
7 January 2013Planet Mozilla
If the number 1 rule for making faster websites is to "Minimize HTTP Requests", then, let's try it. On this site, almost all pages are served entirely from memcache. Django renders the template with the database content and the generated HTML is cached.…
6 January
If you’re not already a crash log master, you will learn something from Demystifying iOS Application Crash Logs.
5 January
Doug Russell writes about using performSelector:withObject:afterDelay: to coalesce multiple calls into one. I’ve done similar coalescing, but by using an NSTimer. I haven’t gone to the trouble of writing a category for this (but I should). Here’s what I…
4 January
Mike Hay’s Debugging Tips video is up on Vimeo. You’ll learn something useful, I bet. Unless you’re Mike Hay. (Via @pgor.)
4 January 2013TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog
How do you build and test a new web browser when nobody in the world -- outside of the tiny development team -- is allowed to know of its existence? Very carefully, according to Safari engineer Don Melton, who detailed some of the finer points of covert…
4 January 2013