WebKit: An Objective View

Planet Mozilla

This post is co-written with Rob Hawkes, and as a follow-up to The WebKit culture & web rendering engine diversity. This article is also available in Chinese. We would like to, in a factual manner, break down what the possible outcomes of having a…

14 February 2013

Collaborative LaTeX Editor With Preview In Your Web Browser


Celarent Darii writes "Slashdot readers have undoubtedly heard of Google Docs and the many other online word processing solutions that run in the browser. However, as a long-time user of TeX and LaTeX, these solutions are not my favorite way of doing…

14 February 2013

FireCore releases updated Apple TV jailbreak tool

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Jailbreak provider FireCore announced yesterday that it has released an update to the Seas0nPass jailbreak tool and aTV Flash (black) Apple TV software. The update supports the 5.2 Apple TV software released by Apple on January 28, 2013, which is…

14 February 2013

How to write a new WebAPI in Firefox Desktop, mobile, OS - part 1 ?

Planet Mozilla

Mozilla teams recently wrote tons of new API in a very short period of time, mostly for Firefox OS, but not only. As Firefox Desktop, Firefox Mobile and Firefox OS are based on the same source code, some of these API can easily be enabled on Desktop and…

13 February 2013

Fun with AngularJS & Cornice

Planet Mozilla

I blogged about ita few weeks ago: in my opinion, we're moving to an ecosystem where our web applications are built of JSON web services and of Javascript applications that use those services to fetch data and display them. In other words, server-side…

13 February 2013

Opera hits 300M users, will transition to WebKit this year

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Opera, the web browser available for Mac, iOS, PC and Andriod, has reached 300 million monthly users, the company has announced in a press release. Opera Software ASA also notes that the Opera web browser will be transitioning to the WebKit engine in…

13 February 2013

Melange:Tips and Tricks for Users

Google Open Source Blog

The latest news from Google on open source releases, major projects, events, and student outreach programs.

13 February 2013

Airport Extreme update breaks IPv6 tunnels, but here's how to fix it

Ars Technica » Infinite Loop

Apple recently released firmware version 7.6.3 for its line of Airport Extreme Wi-Fi base stations. Assuming the release notes are accurate, the update barely warrants a bump after the second decimal point. The update adds the ability to extend a guest…

13 February 2013

Tips for smooth scrolling web pages (EdgeConf follow-up)

Planet Mozilla

I’m starting to type this up as EdgeConf draws to a close. I spoke on the performance panel, with Shane O’Sullivan, Rowan Beentje and Pavel Feldman, moderated by Matt Delaney, and tried to bring a platform perspective to the affair. I found the panel very…

11 February 2013

CSS Scoped Styles

Planet Mozilla

There are plenty of awesome new attributes we've gotten during the HTML5 revolution: placeholder, download, hidden, and more. Each of these attributes provides us a different level of control over an element on the page, but there's a new element…

11 February 2013