Google Implements DNSSEC Validation For Public DNS


wiredmikey writes "Google on Tuesday announced that it now fully supports DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions) validation on its Google Public DNS resolvers. Previously, the search giant accepted and forwarded DNSSEC-formatted messages but…

19 March 2013

Mocking with Phake

Planet PHPUnit

Help you and your team benefit from new perspectives on cutting-edge quality engineering techniques and tools through the Qafoo team weblog. Download our free e-book "Crafting Quality Software" with a selection of the finest blog posts as PDF or EPub. …

7 March 2013

DevJuice: Spellchecking short strings

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

A few years ago, xkcd created a crowd-sourced color survey to collected real-world hue descriptions. You'll find the hilarious results here. I've been working on updating my UIColor utilities as part of building a color-sampling app. Stumbling across this…

5 March 2013

Andy Ihnatko switches to Android

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Andy Ihnatko kicked off a multi-part series for TechHive that talks about why he has switched from the iPhone 4S to the Galaxy S III. It wasn't a trivial move as he gave up an unlimited data plan, grandfathered from his first-generation iPhone purchase, in…

5 March 2013


I recorded some videos for Azure Mobile Services. Mobile Services is a relatively new component of Azure — a high-level component. The idea is to make it easy to put together back-end services for your iOS app. It has a Cocoa SDK on GitHub. You write…

4 March 2013

Xcode 4.6 Recommended Build Settings

Use Your Loaf

Copyright © 2019 - K Harrison Privacy and Cookies Terms of Use, Xcode 4.6 introduced a number of additional compiler warnings that are enabled by default for new projects. Unfortunately the release notes are none too clear about the new options: LLVM:…

3 March 2013

First Look: Doo document manager


Most of us have evolved our own way of managing files. Some are obsessive about folders and folder hierarchies. Others are more free-form, relying on search to find the files we need. There’s a new free document-management tool for the Mac, called Doo,…

27 February 2013

Terminally Geeky: How to tell if a script is being called from launchd

TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog

Warning: command line geekiness ahead. When writing shell scripts, I often send interactive output to the user via echo to give feedback or information. But if the shell script is called on a schedule via OS X's behind-the-scenes process launcher launchd,…

26 February 2013