Google Concedes Google Code Not Good Enough?

Planet Mozilla

Google recently released an update to End-to-End, their communications security tool. As part of the announcement, they said: We’re migrating End-To-End to GitHub. We’ve always believed strongly that End-To-End must be an open source project, and we think…

18 December 2014

Fake2db – Generate fake but valid data-filled databases

Hacker News

Generate fake but valid data filled databases for test purposes using most popular patterns(AFAIK). Current support is sqlite, mysql, postgresql, mongodb, redis, couchdb. The installation through pypi retrieves 'fake-factory' as a main dependency. pip…

17 December 2014

What Happened When Marissa Mayer Tried to Be Steve Jobs

Hacker News

Yahoo also lured a slate of expensive journalists to helm a series of new “digital magazines.” Mayer hired David Pogue, The New York Times’s gadget columnist, to be the editor of Yahoo Tech. She personally recruited Joe Zee, the creative director of Elle,…

17 December 2014

Faster Builds with Container-Based Infrastructure and Docker

Hacker News

Stability and reliability in your builds is the one thing we aimed to give since Travis CI came about. But we haven’t always been able to live up to this expectation. Network issues, insufficient build capacity (for open source projects) which in turn lead…

17 December 2014

How Skype Used AI to Build Its New Language Translator

Hacker News

Very soon now, a select group of Skype beta testers will have a new Microsoft technology that seems borrowed from the world of Star Trek. It's called the Skype Translator—a Skype add-on that listens to the English words you speak into Microsoft's internet…

17 December 2014

I’m not Panic Inc. Apple just keep reject my binary

Hacker News

I’m trying hard update my recent application, with essential issue workaround (yes, workaround) and yet… I still get rejected with completely absurd reasons. I was thrilled about new TestFlight, regardless of fact that review process slow down testing, I…

16 December 2014

Creating a custom Git flow visualization

Hacker News

When we decided to make the switch from Subversion to using git for funda's version control, I had a number of worries. The main one was if we (me, actually) would ever understand git well enough to deal with the complications of having five teams working…

16 December 2014