Monitoring growing memcached

Hacker News

The engineers at Vinted began the year working on the improvement of the caching layer. We managed to significantly improve the performance of our Rails application and substantially reduce the number of database queries. But this additional load to our…

9 June 2015

How to undo almost anything with Git

Hacker News

One of the most useful features of any version control system is the ability to “undo” your mistakes. In Git, “undo” can mean many slightly different things. When you make a new commit, Git stores a snapshot of your repository at that specific moment in…

8 June 2015

MaxScale: A new tool to solve your MySQL scalability problems

MySQL Performance Blog

Ever since MySQL replication has existed, people have dreamed of a good solution to automatically split read from write operations, sending the writes to the MySQL master and load balancing the reads over a set of MySQL slaves. While if at first it seems…

8 June 2015

Distributed Systems Are a UX Problem

Hacker News

Distributed systems are not strictly an engineering problem. It’s far too easy to assume a “backend” development concern, but the reality is there are implications at every point in the stack. Often the trade-offs we make lower in the stack in order to buy…

4 June 2015

Google Design

Hacker News

Explore this month's featured podcast collection to get design inspiration and insights for the new year. Method explores the career journeys of designers at Google, while Design Notes goes in-depth with designers working in diverse creative disciplines.

28 May 2015

Windows Store, basta app un tanto al chilo

Punto Informatico

Microsoft promette di fare pulizia nello store per Windows 10, un'operazione che costringera' gli sviluppatori a impegnarsi un po' di piu' per realizzare app che abbiano quantomeno una parvenza di utilita'

28 May 2015

Why We Use Go

Hacker News

Go is decidedly polarizing. While many are touting their transition to Go, it has become equally fashionable to criticize and mock the language. As Bjarne Stroustrup so eloquently put it, “There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people…

27 May 2015