PHP 8.0.0beta2 Released! news & announcements

The PHP team is pleased to announce the fifth testing release of PHP 8.0.0, Beta 2. This continues the PHP 8.0 release cycle, the rough outline of which is specified in the PHP Wiki. For source downloads of PHP 8.0.0 Beta 2 please visit…

21 August 2020

Why we decided against GraphQL for local state management

Hacker News

Here at OkCupid, we're pretty big fans of using GraphQL. When it comes to fetching data on any of our client platforms, the abstraction that the query language provides grants the flexibility for us to fetch precisely the data that we need in each…

21 August 2020

How Shopify reduced storefront response times with a rewrite

Hacker News

In January 2019, we set out to rewrite the critical software that powers all online storefronts on Shopify’s platform to offer the fastest online shopping experience possible, entirely from scratch and without downtime. The Storefront Renderer is a server…

20 August 2020

Twitter Launches New Developer API

InfoQ - Architecture & Design

Twitter recently released the new Twitter API (early access) to be used by third-party developers. The new Twitter API features three new product tracks: standard, academic research, and business. The new API offers conversation threading, poll results in…

19 August 2020

Breaking the D-Link DIR3060 Firmware Encryption – Recon – Part 1

Hacker News

Recently we came across some firmware samples from D-Link routers that we were unable to unpack properly. Luckily we got our hands on an older, cheaper but similar device (DIR882) that we were able to analyze more closely. The goal is to find a way to…

19 August 2020

How to contact Google SRE by dropping a shell in Cloud SQL

Hacker News

Note: The vulnerabilities that are discussed in this post were patched quickly and properly by Google. We support responsible disclosure. The research that resulted in this post was done by me and my bughunting friend Ezequiel Pereira. You can read this…

19 August 2020